Information, travel & accommodation

Information, opening hours, press, hotel & accommodation

Summertime festival area

Check where in the area you can find Police and medical care if needed.

Find out how best to evacuate the festival area if necessary.

If you suffer a crime, sexually unacceptable act. Alert the security guard / police immediately. Please take a picture of the perpetrator if given the opportunity.

Do not drink too much alcohol - it dramatically increases the risk of being exposed to crime.

Do not bring more valuables than necessary.

Stick together and take care of each other.

Functional impairment

At the Main Stage, a wheelchair ramp will be deployed to better see the stage. Toilets for wheelchairs will be located in the festival area. ATTENTION! Companions and persons with disabilities buy a regular ticket and pay the regular price.

Carry-on bags/backpacks

The police authority has now introduced a total ban on the introduction of bags when visiting major events, including concerts and festivals.

Exceptions can only be granted for medical reasons and after the bag has undergone the necessary checks. We will follow the Police's recommendation. Of course, it is not permitted to bring weapons, alcohol, glass bottles, spray bottles etc. into the area. Such items may be permanently confiscated.


We ask you to leave your animals at home, it is not good for the animals to stay in the high noise level.


We think about the environment and encourage everyone to walk or cycle or take a bus with our electric bus that runs a shuttle service between Torget and Norrvalla according to the timetable. If you have to take the car, we refer first to the car parks at Skellefteå Kraft arena (from here you can easily go down to the area via the underpass).

Plankers / Ticket counterfeiters

All plankers will be reported to the police and immediately rejected from the area! Duplicated tickets will be detected by our entry system and the holder will be denied entry. Suspected fraud will be reported to the police.


Police will patrol the area. If you have lost/misplaced things, contact our contact center in the first instance (during Summertime). After Summertime, we deliver the found items to the Police's lost property department.

Red Cross

The Red Cross will be in the area.

Area map

Download map of the area (PDF)

Hotel & accommodation


Skelleftea Summertime is a new festival in Northern Sweden. Das Skelleftea Summertime Festival wird hoffentlich eines der größten Sommerereignisse sein und wir hoffen, dass es an den vier Tagen Ende Juli / Anfang August zwischen 90,000 und 100,000 Besucher anziehen wird.

Wir werden das Gebiet von Norrvalla mit verschiedene Arten von Musik, Essen aus der ganzen Welt, Shows, Markt, Tivoli und vielem mehr füllen.
