Reyn to Skellefteå Summertime


Saturday 6 August

Reyn writes texts that touch one's heart with personal stories, experiences and dreams. With hopeful melodies, an iconic look and a strong vision – Reyn is here.

And he's anything but lowkey. When Reyn was fifteen, he had just dropped out of high school and found himself standing at a crossroads. Reyn could have easily chosen the same path as his brother and father - but he knew exactly how and where that path would end. Fate instead led him to producer Picasso on the beats' studio in Årsta, and suddenly everything became obvious. Reyn's choice was music.

After six years of working in the shadows from the spotlight, Reyn had already experimented with different sounds, lyrics and styles when he took the stage for the first time in early 2019. He had finally succeeded in creating his own, unique vibe - influenced by both rock, rap and pop – and realized he was ready to get in front of an audience.

The debut single "Lowkey" was released in 2018 and has been received with over 4 million streams, tributes from all over hip-hop Sweden and solid B-rotation on P3. With the follow-up singles "Cartier" and "Mörkret faller" he established his place on the map, not least on the same radio channel that named him "Artist of the Future".

Now he takes his UBER and goes to SKELLEFTEÅ for his first appearance here, big and strong welcome REYN!

REYN on Instagram

Music video with Reyn
